# My Documentation | webally.co.za

Published 2022-09-20
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webally.co.za Development Server by webAlly | Charl Cronje

Document Description
AI Docs Artificial Intelligence tools and docs
Android Docs Using Linux tools on your android device
ARM Docs Raspberry Pi Documentation
Backups & Config Incremental Config backups with GIT
Bash Bash Scripting
Crypto & Mining Crypto, Mining, Decentralization & Web 3.0
Development Web / Terminal / Windows / App Development
DNS, MX Records, CNAME Domain Name System, Mail exchange etc
GitHub Gists GitHub Gists (Code snippets and scrips)
Hacking & Info Gatering Hacking, Information gathering, Spoofing,
HeEPP HeEPP Model View Controller Framework
JavaScript + (Node.js) JavaScript Front and Backend (Node.js)
Kali Linux KALI Linux Docs & Setup
Mongo NoSQL DB Eloquent model & Query builder for MongoDB
Notes and Links Some things I need to remember with links
Open Source What is awesome, how you can contribute
Projects Some notes on projects I worked no
PHP Development PHP Backend Development
Perl Development Perl Server Side Development
Repositories GitHub Repos worth looking at
Reporting & BI Reporting & BI with Jasper Reports
Software as a Service Services I can recommend or created myself
Server & Software Setup Server & Software Setup
Tips & Productivity Tips on creating Productive workflows
Tools and Self Hosted Terminal and Web-Applications
Trading & Crypto Trading and Crypto Markets
Troubleshooting Docs Troubleshooting Documentation
Windows Tips Windows 10 & 11 Tips and Tricks

# Adding more sections

  • The ASCII font mostly used for section heading is Contessa.

ASCII - Contessa

Also for fun add the binary value of the section heading

ASCII - Binary

Just for fun check out: https://breakthecode.tech/game